Tuesday 25 September 2012

Latest Project: Start to Finish

A continuation of my Ponies series, though, this one isn't signed by Tara Strong. 
(Obviously *nerd glasses*)
It all began at the end of August

Stitching is seriously an addiction, I bring my projects with me everywhere!

Outdoor stitching, with a shitty Instagram filter!

This time, it's a PicFX filter

Starting to get some colour, this was when I decided to stitch her pupils as she looked sorta demonic

Just the blue to go!

Finished pony, now to continue the lettering

I love the gradient on this lettering, just had the cutie marks to do

As of September 25th, the project is done!

Both of my pony stitches. Going to take a break from them for awhile and work on a few other projects.

The kit was purchased from http://www.etsy.com/shop/ScootyBethPFA?ref=pr_faveshops

This next time, I'm going to try to juggle a few projects at once, 

and save up some money for thread and cloth for this project: 
Something that's going to be a definite on/off project so as to preserve my sanity!